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The village of Scopoli rises in the heart of the Menotre Valley, at an altitude of 532 meters above sea level. Its community has been known since 1067 and within the following two centuries the settlement became one of the major possessions of the Abbey of Santa Croce di Sassovivo. From a mostly agricultural-pastoral village it gradually transforms into a settlement with fortifications: the castle, of which walls and towers remain, dates to the mid-fifteenth century. After the gradual end of Sassovivo's dominion, Scopoli became an autonomous municipality until 1861, when it was linked to the municipality of Foligno and eventually, englobed into the city of Foligno’s territory. Among the main monuments of Scopoli there is the Church of Santa Maria Assunta, set in the walls of the castle: recognized since ancient times as a parish church, its existence is attested as early as 1138. Its current conformation is the result of extensions and changes undergone in the centuries.