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At a short distance from the Poggetto, along the road that descends towards the Umbrian Valley, the route crosses a characteristic hilly landscape marked by olive groves and, above all, vineyards. We are in fact in the heart of “The Way of Sagrantino”, which takes its name from the well-known Montefalco vine: the village of Montefalco is world famous for its DOCG Sagrantino wine, produced in this area and in the neighbouring municipalities. The Way of Sagrantino includes the large production area, with its cellars and many points of interest, together with a series of thematic itineraries. The olive tree also finds ample space here, dotting the sunny slopes that grade down towards the valleys. Here there are also wide views towards the Umbrian Valley between Spoleto and Foligno: in the centre stands Trevi, a jewel located in the heart of the Olives Range and along the steep coast of the Serano-Brunette mountain range. On the peaks we can see the summit pastures, covered with snow in winter and lush green in spring.