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The itinerary continues on the Assisi-Spoleto Cycle Route, which in this stretch skirts the Clitunno and the Teverone Rivers; proceeding in the opposite direction to that of the itinerary, there is Spoleto, about 25 km away. The route, for the most part, crosses the Umbrian Valley, which is a narrow plain resulting from numerous recovery interventions that have taken place over the centuries: what today is occupied by cultivated fields and houses in the past was a large alluvial area. The area is precious from a naturalistic point of view and at the same time interesting for agriculture, since its fertile soils have always attracted man, pushing him to undertake redevelopment interventions. Since the early 1900s, the Umbrian Reclamation Consortium has worked in this sense, by carrying out hydraulic works that still characterize the valley and promoting, at the same time, the enhancement of the territory and the improvement of local production activities.