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In the flat area between the cemetery, Mount Orve and the state road there is the largest pre-Roman necropolis of Colfiorito among those known so far. The site was the subject of several excavation campaigns conducted between 1970 and 2006, thanks to which it was possible to discover almost 300 pit burials, being part of the original burial site. The necropolis, now covered by land and not visible, was used between the end of the 10th and the 3rd century BC, according to schemes and methods that can be traced back to four distinct chronological phases. Of course, this is not the only site of this type found in the area: there are several known distributed in the plains of Colfiorito and throughout the Plestine territory, certainly connected to the many high-altitude villages that dotted the area. Many of the materials from this and other necropolises are exhibited at the Archaeological Museum of Colfiorito.